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Nick's RP Info & Limits


It's something I enjoy - I ain't in it for some pissing contest.

I have no limits, but if this involves killing my character or doing any damage to my person that might affect my RP hit me up in IMs so I can agree on the preferred conclusion. I go where ever RP leads me. I ain't out to win, I'm out for a good story.

That being said - if there's any issues, hit me up in IMs, OOC chatter in open just kills it for me.

I RP to suit the situation - if it's face paced I won't keep you waiting but if it's a para setting I'm all for it, but you'll have to be patient.

I'm a big fan of roleplay and will roleplay with anyone, so if you see me around feel free to engage, I'm always up for it.
Something funny that reminds me of RP combat on some sims these days:
















Now play on playa...


Bubbles' RP Info & Limits


I'm a Para RPer, your pateince is appreciated.
I've done Post Apoc and urban/Mafia RP so far and am now branching out into fantasy.
My characters have a tendancy to evolve. So don't take me at first glance or impression.

Im a good writer with a great imagination

Wedding ring is OOC so please ignore it for now. It's not coming off ;)

RP Limits:
No permadeath unless previously agreed.
No lasting marks or scars unless previously agreed
I will FTB any rape/sexual violence scenes.
If you're unsure of anything else, jump in my IM... And I'll do the same for you.
Play by the rules. I will call out any godmodding, powergaming and metagaming. And am happy for you to call me out if I happen to slip up. Just be nice about it, and so will I.


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